
Here at Premium Dental, we offer partial and full dentures to suit your oral needs. There are a few options to consider when it comes to getting dentures. Partial and full dentures are the procedures we offer at our practice. It may be clear what the best choice for some individuals is, but it can be difficult for others. Dr. Delgado and our team are here to help you with this decision. But first, let’s understand the differences between partial and full dentures.

Full Dentures at Premium Dental

If you have very few salvageable teeth, full dentures may be the best option for you. Individuals with severe and chronic tooth problems should consider this type of denture. It will help to fill out your face, as it can begin to look sunken when teeth are missing. Full dentures at Premium Dental will provide you with a youthful and healthy appearance that will make you feel good about yourself, inside and out. Additionally, full dentures can improve your eating habits as you will eat a variety of foods with ease.

Partial Dentures at Premium Dental

Partial dentures are for you if you hope to replace a singular tooth or a few teeth. Partial dentures at Premium Dental help repair your smile aesthetic by filling in any present gaps that you may have. These partial dentures will aid in protecting the health of your other teeth, as well. They will prevent your other teeth from becoming weak or misaligned to any shifting that may have been occurring prior before your dentures.

Partials and Full Dentures in Charlotte, NC

Here at Premium Dental, Dr. Delgado and our team are committed to improving your smile. Dentures can improve your confidence, smile and allow you to eat food you could not enjoy before dentures. Contact Dr. Delgado to schedule your consultation today! During your initial consultation, Dr. Delgado will look further into your oral health to determine what type of dentures will suit your needs! We are happy to help you and your smile journey.Here at Premium Dental, our implants offer a safe and effective solution to replace your missing teeth and roots, providing not only dental advantages, but also health advantages. With one procedure, your whole smile can be changed for the better, while improving your oral health. Implants have the ability to decease the chance of the jawbone from shrinking in. This is a good thing as it allows for preservation of the jawline that keeps you looking youthful! Here at Premium Dental, we can make this happen.

What Does an Implant Solve?

An implant can solve a variety of oral issues. It can realign your teeth, fill empty space, improve chewing habits, improve jawline, and overall result in a better, healthy smile!

Why Should you Get Implants?

Implants offer many advantages when being compared to other styles of tooth replacement. First, they offer a high level of strength as they are made from durable materials including porcelain and titanium. Due to the use of these materials, dental implants are able to last a long time and are considered to be permanent. Next, dental implants help to maintain your jawline. Since tooth loss is often associated with the loss of jawbone density, implants are able to reverse that process and actually contribute to strong jawlines. Lastly, implants are easy to maintain. Unlike other tooth replacement procedures, there is not much maintenance. All you need to do is maintain basic oral hygiene. This can be done by brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day, making sure to floss every day, as well as see your Charlotte, NC, dentist at least 2 times a year. All 3 of these basic oral hygiene tips will ensure your implants will be long-lasting.

Implants in Charlotte, NC

Why get implants at Premium Dental? Let us tell you why. Here at Premium Dental, Dr. Delgado and our team are committed to improving your smile. Contact Dr. Delgado to schedule your consultation today! During your initial consultation, Dr. Delgado will look further into your gums and teeth to see if you are a good candidate for implants. The ideal candidate will have a high-density jaw area, does not suffer from any form of gun disease, does not grind teeth, and is in good health overall.

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